Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dry nail polish? How can I make it like, less stickier?

Okay, so, I've have this bottle of nail polish for a while, there's still a lot in it, but its really sticky and kinda dry, so it's kinda hard to put on. My friend's mom owns a nail salon where there's this liquid you can put in the nail polish bottle to make the nail polish in the bottle like, like dry? Any idea what this liquid is, how much it is, and where I can buy it? Thanks!Dry nail polish? How can I make it like, less stickier?
Don't let them fool you as if it is this magical liquid. ALL it is is nail polish remover. Just put a verrrrrrrry small amount in your nail polish and shake it all about. It should be back to its texture. Dry nail polish? How can I make it like, less stickier?
YOu could buy it from your friends mom's nail salon

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