Friday, November 25, 2011

How to make my dry nail polish work again?

well its pretty dry and sticky..

is there some way to make it come on smooth again :(How to make my dry nail polish work again?
put a few drops of nail polish remover(ones with acetone work best) shake it up leave it open for 5 minutes shake it again and leave it closed till u wanna use itHow to make my dry nail polish work again?
You have yourself a tough task. As far as I am aware, nobody currently markets a thinner for nail paints--such an item would most likely contain ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, and in some cases SD alcohol (the largest-rate ingredients in practically all nail enamels and lacquers). Clear varnish consistent with the product that needs thinning wouldn't help your cause, as it contains many of the reinforcing products that are in unusably heavy concentration in the over-thick paint. I could theoretically mix up the appropriate thinner, but that would require a milk run to the chemical supply house, as the aforementioned acetates are NOT available at most hobby shops, hardware stores and/or drugstores. Sorry I can't help you otherwise--the cosmetics companies see too little market for nail-polish thinner to manufacture it.

Some of the previously posted Answers mention nail polish remover, but the ingredient lists contraindicate its use--NO paint ever manufactured has acetone in it; acetone, rather, is a brush cleaning agent as well as the best solvent for removing cured paint.
Poor a tad bit of nail polish remover and shake it
poor in a little bit of water. if you add nail polish remover in there then after your nail color would fall out faster.
run it under boiling hot water and shake it up alot....

if that fails buy another bottle
No, don't add nail polish remover, use paint thinner, just a little though
dont use nail polish remover.. it sucks.. my sister used a couple drops of paint thinner in her discontinued, favorite bottle of polish.. maybe your dad has some paint thinner in the garage or something.. thats where she got it from.. ask him.. then shake the bottle and good as new... well until you run out.. =[ good luck tho...

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